How The gunSHOT BOX™ Works

The gunshot box is an electronic gunfire simulation system that is remotely controlled to reproduce the sound of gunshots on demand. Real explosions with safe levels of sound percussion with no cartridges expendables or speakers. 

gunSHOT BOX™ Features

This is a physics phenomenon achieved by charging up a series of capacitors and creating a small arc between electrodes that ionizes the air just before the system releases a larger electrostatic discharge and “muzzle flash/bang”. In fact, you see a large version of this in nature during a lightning storm, but this is happening in 6 little heat-resistant chambers in a controlled and repeatable environment.




01 | 6 High Output Ports – 125db


02 | Percussion Chambers w/ electrodes


03 | Step-up Transformers + Capacitor Banks

04 | Rugged .50 Cal Steel Ammo Can

05 | Power Indicator/switch + Spare Fuse